Entrepreneur, Above All Else, Know Thyself

Understanding oneself as an entrepreneur is critical
For those seeking self-employment, the phase ‘Entrepreneur, Know Thyself’ is as critical to success as breathing is to life. Entrepreneurs should first answer these questions. Should I really be self-employed? And if so, what type of business best suits who I am?
After years of consulting with literally hundreds of prospective entrepreneurs, a pattern among successful business owners became obvious. Those who did well had a personal identity with their venture. That insight led to the developed of a system to help people understand their entrepreneurial selves.
Self-Examination Is Key
The Focus Program for Emerging Entrepreneurs is a unique process that helps prospective entrepreneurs analyze themselves BEFORE launching into self-employment. Business planning should be a much later consideration.
For those who are failing or have failed in business, two elements are generally present. One, they’re not suited for self employment. Two, choosing the wrong venture. Only by considering what types of ventures best suit our entrepreneurial style, can we make logical self-employment decisions. There are logical truths as to why small businesses fail. Pay attention to them.
Life as an Entrepreneur is a Different Lifestyle Altogether
Entrepreneurs generally lead a more demanding and solitary life than other career tracks. As a result, they solve many problems in a vacuum. Running a business is challenging enough by itself. Choosing the wrong business drastically compounds the issue. Poor choices at the beginning of a business venture usually end in a dysfunctional and/or failed effort down the road. On the other hand, entrepreneurs who clearly state personal and business goals that are congruent with who they are, tend to find the personal and business success they seek.
Of course, viability of a business concept is necessary to know, but determine that AFTER knowing what type of business might be satisfying. If you seek self-employment then follow this advice: Entrepreneur, Know Thyself’.